Tuesday 6 December 2011

Revived small traditional water harvesting structure in Punganur, a remote village in Andhra Pradesh, India

Rehabilitation of Nagulakunta – A dream comes true 

Gudisebanda is a hamlet situated in Punganur mandal of Chittoor district. Nagulakunta (Sy. No – 303) is one among the three tanks around this village and which was breached around 30 years back and was completely ignored by the owners (individual family) and it was almost in the vanishing stage. In the year 2000 it was purchased by a retired government employee (one of the ayacutdars) residing in Punganur, he approached many departments for its restoration but ends with nothing, with this they were very much worried and decided to convert it in to mango orchard. In the year 2002 he approached DHAN Foundation for rehabilitation of the tank in watershed development programme.

The issue was discussed in the Kummaranatham micro watershed committee meeting and given requisition, the committee approved the work in the next meeting after Watershed Development Teams (WDT) visit. The estimate was prepared by consulting the ayacutdars and it was around Rs. 124000/- and the ayacutdars agreed to contribute 25% of the work cost through cash, kind or labour.

Tank details:
Catchment area           : around 100 acres
Waterspread area        : 7.0 acres
Command area            : 8.0 acres

The work was initiated and completed with active people participation. The total value work done was Rs. 102905 and the people contribution was Rs. 24651.

Then started the wonders, due to drought first year the tank has received very little water as result the ayacutdars gone for traditional variety of paddy called “Byrodlu” (red colour rice) and got around 15 – 20 quintals but they have got very good quantity of paddy straw. 

In 2003 - 04:

Crops grown
Place of growing
Yield received
6.0 acres
Command area
65 quintals

Ground nut
0.75 acre
Command area
10 bags (40 Kg)

Red gram

Line sowing with Ground nut
1 quintals

Filed bean

Line sowing with Ground nut
1 quintals
With the suggestions from WDT
On tank bund
480 Kgs

0.05 acre
Highly elevated area in command area
Own consumption

Drum stick
20 plants
On tank bund
With the suggestions from WDT
Other uses
  • Extra 2 acres brought under cultivation
  • Continuous wage employment
  • Drinking water for cattle (200/day)

In 2004 - 05:

Crops grown
Paddy (Byrodlu)
4.0 acre
20 Quintals
Paddy (Sonam)
2.0 acre
25 Quintal
Ground Nut
1.0 acre
12 bags (40 Kg)
Red gram
Line sowing
1 Quintal

Other activities
Fish rearing was started with just 500 fingerlings and he got net profit of Rs. 2500.00

 In 2005 – 06:

Crops grown
Paddy (Byrodlu)
4.0 acre
22 Quintals
Ground Nut
1.0 acre
8 bags (40 Kg)
Red gram
Line sowing
1 Quintal
Bund cropping
1500/- net profit except their own usage

Other activities:
Gone for fish rearing with around 1000 fingerlings and yet harvest the crop.
 Tank development:
By seeing this profit the ayacutdars decided to go for some tank development works on their own
  1. Rough stone revetment for tank bund worth of Rs. 30000
  2. Desiltation of tankbed to create pondage for fish rearing worth of Rs. 15000
  3. they have appointed one person for watch ward at tank and he takes the profit comes from bund cropping, drum stick trees etc.,
This has become model for all others in the watershed and many farmers are coming forward to go for small percolation tanks in and around this village.


  1. hi
    do you have any photos showing a panoramic view of water storage structures in a village

  2. hi
    do you have any photos showing a panoramic view of water storage structures in a village
